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  • Phil
    Phil posted the thread Linked words... in Games.
    Linked words... Linked words. The idea is that each person posts two words that go together. The first word being the last word from...
  • Phil
    Phil posted the thread Change one letter at a time in Games.
    Change one letter at a time game. Change one letter of the word in the previous post. Here are some examples: house You could change...
  • Phil
    Phil posted the thread Wordle in Games. Post your daily Wordle results in this thread.
  • Phil
    Hello, fellow travellers! I’m Phil, a lifelong seeker of wisdom and truth. My journey has taken me through the wild landscapes of life...
  • Phil
    Phil posted the thread Who is awake? in Off Topic Chat.
    On other websites I run with, I have a thread like this. The thread is for those who cannot sleep and want someone to chat with in the...